Monday, June 13, 2011

New to Blogging

Hello - my name is Jennifer and this is my first ever blog! I am in the process of starting a natural soap company called Nutmeg Naturals.  We are located in Connecticut and we will soon be selling our soaps in a retail store in Chicopee, Massachusetts.  We are a family owned business - my husband is our web designer, editor, and all around Jack of All Trades.  My mom is my soapmaking partner in crime!  Mom and I were trained in soapmaking by a professional soapmaker in Connecticut. When I'm not making soap, I work part-time and am an Accounting student at Central Connecticut State University.  This is my second degree and I guess I'm now what would be considered a "non-traditional" student.  Other hobbies include knitting, baking, and spending time with our 2 cats, golden retriever and very rambunctious miniature schnauzer!


  1. Hello Jennifer and welcome to Blogland :)
    Look forward to seeing more of your work

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by. I have to get working at taking some more (and better) pictures!

  3. Find a nice piece of wood (driftwood maybe, since you live close to the ocean), set um a neutral background, make use of daylight, get up close to the soap, make sure your white balance is correct and you're all set :)

  4. soap on wood before taking pic.. (duh)

  5. Great advice. Thanks! Love the driftwood idea too. I was thinking of all the possibilities of using the beach as a nice backdrop.
